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What isQHHT

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Dolores Cannon developed and perfected her unique method of hypnosis, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®, also known as QHHT®, over several decades and thousands of QHHT® sessions, which she then begun to teach around the world.

QHHT® achieves the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance. The Somnambulistic state is ordinarily experienced two times a day, just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep, which makes this state of mind very safe to work with.

QHHT® allows clients to connect with their Subconscious mind also known as Source Energy, or the Higher-Self.  Once we are able to connect with higher-self, this is when healing begins to take place.  Healing for each person can be in different ways, you could experience emotional healing, mental or physical healing.

QHHT® sessions help you identify the root causes for any trauma in your life, anxiety, mental health, acute or chronic pain, illnesses, addictions or any reoccurring patterns or phobias in your life.  This is also a wonderful way to help find yourself and reconnect with the bigger part of you.  By looking into the past you can heal an old hurt, you can release yourself from the pain or phobia you might be experiencing  in the present life. 

QHHT® works when your mind is open and accepting to the power it possesses, we are powerful beings of light and yet we don't know that unless we are able to see it for ourselves and connect with our higher self also known as our Subconscious. Through this connection many can access important information and find that all healing and information lies within.

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QHHT and Healing


Conscious creation is the concept that we create the world around us through our thoughts, complements the principles of Quantum Physics and Scientific evidence, which state that everything in the known universe is composed of energy.  Even physical matter is essentially energy vibrating at a different rate or frequency.  Thought is a projection of energy that manifests in physical form and has either positive or negative attributes.


In essence, we create and experience what we think. This way of thinking makes an individual responsible for their actions. Regardless of one’s belief system, it is an advanced and progressive approach to experiencing life. 


One of the most phenomenal and life changing aspects of QHHT® is the ability to find guidance for physical ailments. This can be accomplished by tapping into the Super-Conscious (SC) and defining the deep rooted reason for the problems.  Through QHHT® the SC can relay through a careful set of questions and investigating, the cause for why there is pain or illness present in the body. Once the reason is identified, the Super-Conscious (SC) is asked if energy balancing can occur and if the SC agrees, healing is immediate without discomfort.


Sometimes just understanding why the pain is there is enough to start the healing process and in many cases, once the SC reveals the source of the ailment or psychological problem, the subject then releases the condition from their body and mind. 


On the other hand, if the subject is experiencing any condition that is the result of abuse or lack of care of their own body and take no action to correct this or has no intention to change, the Subconscious is very aware of this, therefore, it will indicate that there is no point in healing the condition if the subject will continue to abuse the body once is healed. 


While Dolores and her QHHT® Practitioners alike have had some amazing results with clients during sessions, this does not guarantee it will happen every time as each client has their own believe system that may or may not allow the energy healing to take to place within their bodies. 

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How Can QHHT Help You?

  • Aligning with your true purpose

  • Emotional healing

  • Spiritual healing

  • Finding out who you truly are and why you’re here

  • If you’re struggling with addiction, weight loss or other health issues

  • Improving confidence

  • If you are suffering from acute or chronic pain

  • You are living with unexplained anxiety or other mental health issues

  • Stress reduction

  • If you seem to run into the same patterns in your life over and over again and can’t seem to break them

  • Unblocking your financial success

  • Finding clarity and wisdom 



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By identifying the root causes for any reoccurring issues, you can be mindful  about noticing the patterns and adjusting them when needed.  This is also a wonderful way to help find yourself and reconnect with the bigger part of you. By looking into the past you can heal an old hurt, you can release yourself from the pain you might be experiencing  in your present and your future. 

QHHT® works when your mind is open and accepting to the power it possesses, we are powerful beings of light and yet we don't know that unless we are able to see it for ourselves and connect with our higher self also known as Subconscious. 

Every session is different and are delivered in the most professional, confidential and compassionate way which are carried out in a private office setting.   All the client's problems are addressed in one session (physical, emotional and relationships), however, in a rare occasion, it may take multiple sessions for you to completely uncover other areas of life resulting in a life changing experience.

Getting the answers to your most burning questions, or answers to questions you never knew you had can be the first step in healing and understanding yourself on a deeper level, resulting in a happier you and more balanced life.

How to Prepare for Your QHHT Session?

  • Because we will be working in that deep state of relaxation, it is recommended you wear comfortable clothing to the session.

  • Is a good idea to meditate, do light stretches or something that relaxes you, like taking a nice relaxing walk, pet your furry babies, or listen to some soothing music in order to help you relax before the session.


  • If you are a coffee drinker, drink a little bit less the morning of the session, so when you come in you are in a much more relaxed state.

  • Bring your list of 5 – 10 questions.  Take the time to think what questions you want to find the answers to in order to assist you in your life’s journey.  And remember, no question is too big or too small to ask.  If the thought is there, please ask and the Subconscious will deliver the answer if you are meant to hear it.

  • Before the Hypnosis part of the session we will spend some time getting to know each other and discuss your reasons for wanting this experience. We will then go into how easy this process will be and how you can be easily guided into this deep state of relaxation to find the answers to your many questions. The Hypnosis part of the process will last for about 2 hours and you will not have to worry about remembering anything while in a trance, because this part of the session will be recorded for you.

  • Our session could go between 3 to 4 hours or a bit longer, so please eat lightly prior to your session.  Make sure to eat and drink lots of water after the session as this will help you ground yourself.  

  • While in this deep state of relaxation you will be guided by Liz through 1-3 past lives or other experiences your soul has had. Where ever you go is exactly where your higher self will take you as this is often where your questions and issues began. Once you understand this information this alone can be incredibly transformational.

  • During the deep relaxation part of the session Liz will access your Higher-Self, often known as your intuition to answer your list of questions.  Liz will ask your Higher-Self to scan the body to heal and repair any issues that are known or sometimes unknown.
  • Once the hypnosis is over we will discuss what you remember and examine some of the answers that your Higher-Self gave you. Many people wake up in a state of enlightenment after realizing who they really are, the true power they possess, and their true purpose for this life!

  • The most important part of the session is to have no expectation as to what you will, or will not experience, as each session is unique.

  • Your intention of having a great session is the key!

  • Listen to the audio recording of your session often and have total faith in the process.​


What Type of  Questions Can I Ask?

Remember QHHT® is a powerful tool to access that all knowing part of ourselves, so once you are in a deep state of relaxation the Subconscious can then facilitate all the answers to your questions. 


If you knew you could connect with Higher-Self and had access to all the answers to any of the questions you have about anything in life at your finger tips what would you ask?  Remember, nothing is too big or too small for Higher-Self to provide those answers to you.

Would you like to know if you have lived other lives here on Earth or other planets?  Would you like to know how to align with your true purpose in life and how to heal emotionally and spiritually?


Sometimes mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life.  The Subconscious reveals the cause and will assist according to any soul’s particular lessons.


Below is an example list of different areas of life that may help you come up with questions to ask in your session:



Life purpose


Lifestyle changes

Personal growth
Public speaking
Past lives


Decision making
Talents & creativity     
Helping others 


Physical Ailments   


Energy levels


Digestion / Stomach problems

Diseases such as cancer, thyroid problems or diabetes

Weight problems                   
Eating disorders
Phobia & fears


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There are no limitations unless you create them yourselves.  Anything is possible!  You are only limited by your own imagination.

~ Dolores Cannon ~


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